Mainstream Living

Amber Corrieri

Chief Operating Officer

Amber Corrieri

Corrieri joined the organization in 2011 and was appointed COO in 2023. She has more than 20 years of experience in nonprofit and community leadership. Corrieri oversees Human Resources, property maintenance, communications and corporate compliance. She also oversees development activities and works with program staff to advance the mission of Mainstream Living. Prior to her role with Mainstream Living, Corrieri held a variety of positions in the financial industry. Corrieri is currently serving a third term as a member of the Ames City Council and has extensive experience leading and assisting local non-profit organizations. She currently serves as chair of the Story County Housing Trust Fund and is President of the Iowa Alliance for Boys and Girls Clubs. She has previously served terms on the City of Ames Human Relations Commission, Story County ASSET, and Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors. She is the recipient of the 2011 '4 Under 40 - Leaders of Today and Tomorrow' award from the Ames Chamber of Commerce, the 2014 'Outstanding Young Iowan' award from the Iowa Jaycees, and the 2017 Difference Maker of the Year from The Ames Foundation. Corrieri holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Simpson College and lives in Ames with her husband Damien and their two children.

© 2025 Mainstream Living, Inc.