Mainstream Living Newsletter: Mainstream Message - February 2017
When working with the populations that Mainstream Living serves, it is easy to take for granted many aspects of their lives. Most members reside in homes or apartments within the community. Most are able to go where they want and move about the community, and are provided the supports to...
Read More on Yes, You Are Part of a Movement
Day-habilitation or, community integration activities, are operated out of “The Center” (formally known as the Mainstream Employment and Learning Center) in Ames. The Center offers various day habilitation programming, each with a different focus and serving a specific need. The sensory program (formerly known as ‘Snoezelen’) is a unique program...
Read More on The Center - Sensory Program
Did the headline catch your attention? If you are employed by a government or not-for-profit organization, you may be able to receive loan forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF). According to Business Week, more than 60% of individuals attending college borrow money to help pay for costs....
Read More on Student Loan Forgiveness
Mainstream Living is a member of the Polk County Positive Behavior Support Network. The mission of the network is to promote innovative positive supports for persons with disabilities through inter-agency collaboration. Monthly training topics will be communicated to staff in an effort to enhance learning opportunities while promoting high quality...
A moment of truth can best be described as a moment of choice. It's when we are tested, when decisions must be made and when our competence and character shine. For many, many years, Mainstream Living staff have been sharing moments of truth. And though each moment is different, they...
Read More on February Moments
What brought you to Mainstream? I had friends who recommend Mainstream after I moved back to Ames. I started working in HCBS three years ago, but have moved to the Center where I’ve worked for the last six months. How do you spend time outside of work? I am always...
What brought you to Mainstream Living? About 20 years ago, a friend who worked for the organization told me that I should apply. I followed her advice, but was not hired after my first interview until nearly four months later. The HR person was not impressed at the time and...