Mainstream Living

Mainstream Living Newsletter: Mainstream Message - August 2017

Don't Miss the Fun!

Congratulations to this month's winners! Your gift card will be delivered to the offices or through your supervisor. Molly Michels - nominated by Michelle Schacherer and Ben Weiss Trudy Luetters - nominated by Bill Vaughn Augustmae Dobbs - nominated by Ben Weiss Tamarah Massey - nominated by DeeAnna Bradley Don't...
It seems rather obvious to state that supervisors no different than any other staff member. However, when start dealing with all of the issues that come with additional authority and responsibility, we can sometimes lose sight of this. The next time you are frustrated with a supervisor think about the... Read More on Employee Tip - Supervisors are People Too
If you are currently a student at Iowa State University, receiving financial aid, then the Federal Work-Study program may be a good option. Work-Study allows students to hold part-time jobs while in school without jeopardizing the amount of money they receive through their student aid applications (FAFSA). Using this program... Read More on ISU & Mainstream Living - Work-Study Options
Mainstream Living is a part of the Polk County Positive Behavior Supports network. Each month, training topics are offered to staff in an effort to continually improve and enhances services to our members.
This month we’re spotlighting employees who are routinely seen at the front of our offices. Though they are often referred to as our ‘receptionists’, their scope of work covers much more. In a typical day the front desk may receive over 200 phone calls. Sometimes those calls are people inquiring... Read More on Front Office Staff
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I really like helping people and had nursing background that I felt would be a benefit. What is your favorite thing about work? Of course, the members! How do you spend your time outside of work? I love to ride my sling and do...
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I was told about Mainstream Living from a friend at church. I had quit working for another human service agency because I didn't approve of how they treated their members. What is your favorite thing about work? My favorite thing about work is my...
What brought you to Mainstream Living? One of my best friends had been trying to get me to work here, and at that time I had taken some time away from this area of work. I wasn't planning on coming back, but I took a chance, and I truly am...
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I wanted to work for an organization that offered true help to the community. What is your favorite thing about work? My favorite thing about work is the positive and encouraging culture. How do you spend your time outside of work? When I am...

August Birthdays

August Anniversaries

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