Mainstream Living

The Center - Dayhab Program

The Center offers three types of day habilitation programming, each of which has a different focus for our members. ‘Dayhab’ is the original program which got its beginnings in the Story County Development Center (SCDC) in 1975.  A few years later, SCDC merged with Mainstream Living to form the Mainstream Employment and Learning Center (MELC).  Today, MELC is simply known as the Center, and dayhab is one of five services provided at the Center. 

Serving nearly 50 members, dayhab focuses on two key principles: community integration and volunteerism. When members attend dayhab, they work with their Activity Coordinators to determine the types of activities members have an interest in. A monthly schedule is created and members are able to choose what they would like to do each day. Opportunities can range from visiting local points of interest, museums, music or sporting events, plays, cooking, and volunteering with Meals on Wheels and local nursing homes.

Sarah Kepner, Team Leader at the Center, has worked through many obstacles over the last few years alongside the team of Activity Coordinators. Together, they are working on providing new opportunities to the members while learning adjusting to the changes from the Managed Care Organizations. Because of the team’s ability to adapt quickly to needed changes, high quality care has been maintained during the transition and will remain the highest priority through future changes. 

Currently, dayhab has two sessions, Monday through Friday. Eight Activity Coordinators work in the program with a ratio of one to six. In total, the Center serves 115 members weekly. If you would like more information about dayhab or any other Center program, please contact Amber Vaughn-Schaefer.

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