Mainstream Living

Danny Zimmerman, David Hyden, Heather Sanders

Danny Zimmerman

How long have you been with Mainstream?  16 years

What's the most fun thing you've ever done with a Mainstream staff member?  Sometimes we take walks, to parties, went to a dance.

What is one goal you've reached with the help of a Mainstream staff member?  Learning how to count my money and write out checks. Starting savings so I don’t spend all my money.

What's your favorite thing about Mainstream?  Meeting different people and helping them with their problems. I always try to listen and help with problems, help solve them.

David Hyden

How long have you been with Mainstream? 10-13 years.

What's the most fun thing you've ever done with a Mainstream staff member? Swimming, walking, and going to the movies.

What is one goal you've reached with the help of a Mainstream staff member? Buying a car and keeping my home clean.

What's your favorite thing about Mainstream? My staff, Nikki Hill.

Heather Sanders

How long have you been with Mainstream? About 15 years.

What's the most fun thing you've ever done with a Mainstream staff member?  Everything! They’re so good to me.

What is one goal you've reached with the help of a Mainstream staff member?  Managing my money, cleaning, taking medication, getting out in the community.

What's your favorite thing about Mainstream?  I have really awesome staff at the moment.

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