Mainstream Living

Monthly Service Excellence Winners

Blu McFarlane, nominated by Megan Fister

Staff at Fremont noticed that the sidewalks were slick so we called Blu on a Sunday evening. He came out within the hour and put some ice melt down and brought extra to be used later. This is not the first time he has made a special effort to come out and he is always dependable. We appreciate him helping to keep our residents safe.

Tracy Moore, nominated by Traci Miner

Tracy received a phone call the Friday before Christmasfrom a parent calling for assistance. The parent had recently been in the hospital and had not had time to purchase Christmas presents for her son. Tracy agreed to help and spent her Saturday shopping, not only getting the Christmas presents for her son, but also purchasing the personal items this parent had added to the list so she would not have to call on her family to help. Tracy has worked with this member and his family for a long time. She did not hesitate to pitch in when the parent needed help to ensure this member would have a wonderful Christmas!

Mary Selin, nominated  by Stacy Luloff 

Mary is always assisting coworkers with needs, ideas, and explaining details to improve our services. Mary also contributes with our worksheets, forms that we utilize daily, and training new employees.

Robyn Wahling, nominated by Emma Schuler

Robyn helped a member throw a New Year's Eve party for friends from another Mainstream site. She assisted the member with invitations, and planning dinner and activities for the party. All of the members and staff had fun, and the member says she wants to do it again next year! Thank you Robyn for helping the member meet her socialization and planning goals while having a great time! 

Nikki Hill, nominated by Erica Voll

Nikki has been critical in the overall success of a member we support in our HCBS program. On more than one occasion she has stepped up and supported this member with her time and experience. Nikki helped with the difficult task of finding housing due to the member's past issues.  Nikki stepped in when the member needed critical help and if she weren't so involved with the member's well-being, contacted the supervisor and helped get him the critical help he needed. She is always willing to step up and help this member and does so with great care. This member is successful in the community due to her support. She has shown great care and helped support this member in maintaining his independence.

Sara Sampson, nominated by Tori Mathis

Sara has constantly gone above and beyond to provide members with quality care. She encourages members to live healthy lifestyles through exciting diet changes and fun physical activities. Sara demonstrates her ability to be a leader by encouraging other staff to challenge themselves. She has patience with all members, regardless of how tiring her shift may have been. Sara is a wonderful coworker.




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