Mainstream Living

Stories of Impact

After touring the Center recently, a family shared that they were very impressed with our services and all of the activities that we offer. Even though their daughter would have to travel almost an hour each way to attend Center, they decided to enroll her. Brittany started at Center
at the end of October. Initially she preferred sitting away from people and often chose to follow, the staff around and not engage with her peers. However, each time she attends, she is becoming more and more social with her peers. She is now sitting with her peers as well as
talking to them more and more. At her 30-day meeting, her mom and case manager were very pleased with how much she has grown in such a short amount of time.

Ryan worked at the same job for five years before he was let go in June. However, he didn’t stay unemployed for long and started working with a new vocational provider for job development in Mid-October. Ryan was recently offered a full time (40 hours a week) job at a company called i2 tech. They make plastic components for agricultural, industrial, contract molding, and recreational markets.

This past month David’s mom attended the Onyx staff meeting to share his story. We are really excited when parents are willing to do this or assist with training in ways that work for them. Sometimes parents will demonstrate procedures, other times they will review and edit our
member specific training and sometimes, like in this case, they talk with staff about their loved one, sharing information and stories. But, no matter how parents choose to share with us, it is always valuable and builds a stronger team around the person we serve. It helps to create
trust and allows us to work cohesively together. In this case, we believe it was a great success for David and his team. The staff had appropriate, well thought out questions, and his mom was appreciative of the opportunity to provide firsthand information. 

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