Kris Eastman

What brought you to Mainstream?
I started working at Mainstream Living as a college student. Mainstream allowed me the flexibility to attend classes and work at the same time. Once I was here I found my passion; this was a field that I found rewarding. Mainstream was a company that I thought was progressive, forward thinking and met my personal values.
What is your favorite thing about work?
I enjoy the members and staff. I have a great team that I have the opportunity to work with every day. This is a tough field and I have found that the people I work with make this job doable. We are supportive of each other and work hard to provide quality services that meet member needs. I am so proud of our HCBS program and all of the staff that work within this department.
How do I spend my time outside of work?
I enjoy time with my family and friends. I also have several hobbies that I enjoy including biking on trails, reading a great thriller, and sewing quilts and craft-type projects.
What is something employees may not know about you:
I have a twin brother. Having a twin is great because you have an instant buddy and study partner, you never miss class notes when you are sick, and you have comrade for mischievous adventures. But having a twin brother is terrible because he knows your secrets and spills them during a fight, and you always have to share your birthday. Actually, he is a great friend, we really connect, and I highly recommend it!
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: I enjoy all kinds of food and love to try new types of cuisine.
Favorite Music: I enjoy all kinds of music.
Dream Vacation: I am open to vacationing anywhere.