Mainstream Living

Mainstream Living Newsletter: Mainstream Employee Newsletter

April 2nd is the eleventh annual World Autism Awareness Day. There are many ways Autism Awareness is celebrated on this day, throughout the month, and year-round. World Autism Awareness Day usually has Presidential and Congressional declarations and there are a variety of online events people can participate in locally or... Read More on World Autism Awareness Day
Sexual abuse affects people with disabilities at a rate of seven times higher than those without a disability. A lack of awareness and visibility of these victims increases the severity of this widespread issue. It is important to be informed on this topic because of the legal obligations of mandatory... Read More on Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
Congratulations to the following individuals for being recognized as this month's Service Excellence Award Winners. Your gift cards will be delivered to your supervisor. Each month, employees are recognized for going "above and beyond" in their service to members. We encourage staff and managers to nominate a fellow staff member...
Although everyone we serve has a diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability or Chronic Mental Illness, there is a great diversity in their levels of independence and what support is needed from staff. Every individual needs different types of support and one are often overlooked is financial management. It can be... Read More on Tip of the Month
Mainstream Living is part of the Polk County Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) Network. Each month, training topics are provided to staff in an effort to enhance our programs and services.
The Executive Management Team (EMT) is responsible for leading the daily operations of Mainstream Living in order to ensure quality services are delivered to each member throughout all programs. Bill Vaughn, President and CEO leads the EMT which includes Jon Zellweger, Chief Operating Officer, LuAnn Wingfield, Vice President of Mental... Read More on Executive Management Team (EMT) - Spotlight
What brought you to Mainstream? I was going to Drake University in pre-law, with the intention of becoming a lawyer... then I planned on running for office and becoming Governor of the State of Iowa. This was a plan that I had since I was 10 years old!!! I started...
What brought you to Mainstream? I first became aware of Mainstream while I was in public accounting and worked for the company that conducted Mainstream’s annual audit. I found out early that I did not want to make a career in public accounting as I am more of a people...
What brought you to Mainstream? I started working at Mainstream Living as a college student. Mainstream allowed me the flexibility to attend classes and work at the same time. Once I was here I found my passion; this was a field that I found rewarding. Mainstream was a company that...
What brought you to Mainstream? I was a Social Work student at Iowa State looking for part time work to pay my way through school. What is your favorite thing about work? The work environment. I feel like people want to do the right thing for the member and support...
What brought you to Mainstream? I previously worked in public accounting and I felt like I wanted to contribute my skills to an organization whose goal was to help people. What is your favorite thing about work? All the great people I get to work with. How do I spend...

April Anniversaries

April Birthdays

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