Mainstream Living

Moments of Truth

Wanda, a long-term employee, was having an incredibly difficult time getting her documentation completed each month.  Wanda does a fantastic job with our members.  She often goes above and beyond to ensure the members have everything they want and need.  Wanda was also recognized this last year as an outstanding direct-support professional for her work helping a member move from daily to hourly services! Wanda's difficulties with completing documentation stem from a medical condition which doesn't allow her to sit and type for long periods of time.  Additionally, her typing skills are fairly basic, adding to the time and stress of writing notes.  A couple of weeks ago, Wanda's supervisor found out about a speak-to-text option that was available for Therap when using a Chromebook. Wanda's supervisor tested it and thought it might work for her. Wanda completed some training and did a couple of notes.  She was astounded by how easy it made the process! Since then, Wanda has told her supervisor numerous times how happy she is and how much weight has been lifted from her shoulders.  She was beginning to dislike her job because of the documentation requirements, but now she is back to loving her job and she's getting her notes in on much more reasonable time line.  

Amber got her learner's permit!  She was very excited and came out to the office to share her news with everyone, and also called friends, family and staff via the phone. She studied for the test with some staff support, but went to take the test on her own. Although she failed once, she persevered and passed it a couple of weeks ago!  

Evan came up with his own goal at his annual planning meeting last week. This is a big step for Evan as he usually allows others to suggest ideas that he goes along with and is fairly quiet during his meetings. This year he said he wanted "to be a photographer". His team talked with him more about what that means and he stated he would like to take pictures of people and of superheroes. Evan and his team started discussing ways to use this as an opportunity to get Evan out of the house, enjoying more community areas, trying new things and exercising by walking around to find opportunities to take pictures.

Paul auditioned for a production at the Des Moines Play House and got a part in the play! He has been taking voice lessons and dance lessons for the past six months. As you know, Paul has auditioned and performed in theater before, but the Des Moines Playhouse is a big step up from Urbandale Community Theater. He is on his way!

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