Stories of Impact

New Employee - Over the past year, the organization has made recruitment and retention a priority. A committee focused on these efforts was established and we have implemented a number of activities and projects to improve our relationship with new employees including; more efficient on-boarding processes, and rewarding staff for high quality work. Recently during a second interview a Team Leader in HCBS asked an applicant how they came to apply for Mainstream Living. The applicant said she saw our advertisement on and that she chose our agency over other the other agencies she saw on because she has heard only good things about Mainstream Living.
Sam moved in to the Story City house last summer and has adjusted incredibly well. He's using many more words now than he used in the past. He enjoys meal time with his roommates and is often found joking with the other guys at the dining room table. He has a backpack that he was very attached to before he came to us. He didn't want staff to touch or look through it and had to take it everywhere. Now, Sam will often leave his backpack at the house and go to activities because he's excited to hang out with friends. His parents have both expressed appreciation for the staff and for Mainstream for helping Sam come out of his shell.
The Woodland "guys" moved in together a couple of year ago after each living in their parents’ homes. Initially, their house was set up with a 24/7 staffing pattern. However, they have all developed and matured to the point where they no longer need overnight staff.
Paul's parents reported at his intake meeting that he did not help out much around the house, his father was helping him bathe and he did not know how to cook anything. Through lots of support and hard work, Paul is now very independent. He can completely prepare a meal needing only safety supervision from his staff; he independently baths and follows his routine without reminders.
Max is learning to handle daily stresses through a Coping Skills Workbook. Sometimes he gets stuck on a topic and gets worked up and upset. His team developed a worksheet for him to review topics that present him with challenges. When he gets stuck on a topic, staff direct him to utilize his workbook which helps him to process the situation and identify ways to relax.
Morris, a long time Mainstream Living member, turned 75 recently and had a birthday celebration at the Center. His brother and sister along with their families were able to attend. Additionally, the Center was packed with friends from Morris’ life enjoying pizza, coleslaw and other Morris favorites, all with a Minnesota Vikings/Iowa State theme. He and his friend Mike were picked up by a Town Car from Crown Limousine Service so he arrived in style. Morris had a great time and got some framed photos from his Special Olympics days from his family.