Mainstream Living Newsletter: Mainstream Employee Newsletter
In the past decade, significant strides have been made in technology that allow the people we serve to communicate. Many members have recently come to use what are broadly known as “communication devices” in order to express themselves in ways that were previously not possible. These devices vary depending on...
Read More on Tip of the Month
Individuals with disabilities and those that serve and advocate for them are an important group when it comes to politics and legislative priorities. The Iowa Legislature is in session and will be discussing and considering a number of topics that may impact Mainstream Living and those we serve. Governor Kim...
Read More on Let Your Voice Be Heard
Congratulations to the following individuals for being recognized as this month's Service Excellence Award Winners. Your gift cards will be delivered to your supervisor. Each month, employees are recognized for going "above and beyond" in their service to members. We encourage staff and managers to nominate a fellow staff member...
The Supported Community Living (SCL) program is designed to support and encourage individuals to live as independently as possible in their own homes. Staff is available to provide individualized services at times that are convenient to the person served. The goal of the program is to maintain independent living and...
Mainstream Living is part of the Polk County Positive Behavior Supports network. Each month, training topics are offered to staff in an effort to improve and enhance services for our members.
Read More on Monthly Training Topic - Empowerment
New Employee - Over the past year, the organization has made recruitment and retention a priority. A committee focused on these efforts was established and we have implemented a number of activities and projects to improve our relationship with new employees including; more efficient on-boarding processes, and rewarding staff for...
What brought you to Mainstream? I came to mainstream because I wanted to work with adults. I have experience with kids and their mental illnesses, but I wanted to know what the next stage would be for those kids. I wanted to learn more about what Des Moines has to...