Mainstream Living Newsletter: Employee Newsletter - September 2017
Annual awards are intended to honor employees for their significant contributions to our members, our programs, and the organization. The categories of awards align with our mission, vision, and values and support a culture of rewarding outstanding work and building long-lasting relationships with those we serve. Awards are given in...
September 10th through 16th is Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, where nationwide Direct Support Professionals (DSP) are acknowledged for their vital contributions to families and communities. The more than 3.6 million DSPs across the county ensure people with disabilities and mental illness have the necessary supports that enable them to...
Read More on Direct Support Professionals Week
The Supervised Living Apartments (SLA) Program, located in Des Moines, serves adults who are diagnosed with a psychiatric disability. The emphasis of the program is recovery and self-direction while providing services that enhance long-term successful functioning in a community setting. Services are individually tailored through the inter-disciplanary team process. “Next...
Read More on Next Wise Choice
Congratulations to this month's winners! Your gift card will be delivered to the offices or through your supervisor. Stacey Starrett - nominated by Jennifer Heubner Betsy Richards - nominated by Margaret Petosa Don't forget to nominate your fellow Mainstream employees for the monthly Service Excellence Award. Nominations can be submitted...
Though each of the members we serve at Mainstream Living have wide-ranging goals and needs, a common theme with many of our members is the need for support with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy, exercising, quitting smoking, and losing weight often come up as either formal or informal goals...
Read More on Employee Tip - Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles
Mainstream Living is a part of the Polk County Positive Behavior Supports network. Each month, training topics are offered to staff in an effort to continually improve and enhances services to our members.
Regina previously lived at a nursing home after hip surgery. While at the nursing home she gained over 100 pounds making exercising uncomfortable. Since moving into her new home in May of 2015, it has been a challenge to inspire Regina to get moving again. And many attempts to motivate...
Read More on Focus on Wellness
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I've always wanted to work with persons with mental illness. I was a psych major at Drake so it's the field that I want to be in in the future. What is your favorite thing about work? I really enjoy the members and helping...
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I was working at the homeless shelter and saw that Mainstream was hiring so I applied in hopes of gaining more experience in mental health. I'm still here 10 years later. What is your favorite thing about work? Everything except the documentation. I love...