Mainstream Living

October Service Excellence Winners

Congratulations to this month's winners!  Your gift card will be delivered to the offices or through your supervisor. 


Michelle Fernandez - nominated by Lisa Ledford

Michelle comes to work with a positive attitude. She is always eager to engage in member cares, and volunteers for appointments regularly. She is in charge of doing a member's groceries, and she does a wonderful job. When it comes to outings, she is always great at organizing the details such as getting an extra van, getting members ready, and communicating with the rest of the team. She is very good at communicating with the members and other staff, and she helps the members get out into the community and do relaxing and/or fun activities around the home too.

Steve Mimnaugh - nominated by Samantha Brockshus

Steve organized a trip for Poe house to go to the Boone railroad and planned a whole day around it. Steve remained in contact with his supervisor and made sure everything was set up before the day of the outing. Steve has been a great staff at Poe and has really kept the members' best interests at heart.

Tara Ross - nominated by Michelle Hillman

It has been my pleasure and an excellent learning experience for me working with Tara Ross. Tara makes sure that the 4 ladies living here experience so many life experiences. They love the gentle care that they get from Tara. They all enjoy it when Tara pulls up in the driveway and want to give her a hug.  Tara also makes sure that the ladies experience other activities without spending much of their money. This summer they have attended many festivals and go to garage sales for DVD bargains.
Tara is also an excellent mentor to new employees. She always has time to teach one how to use a program on the computer, answer medical questions or how to manage a not so positive reaction from one of the ladies.  Tara also has excellent communicative skills with the ladies guardians. Tara does all this with grace, compassion and no thought to the time it takes.I know that Tara always thinks of the ladies first at all times.  We all need to take a moment and think how we could enrich our clients lives like Tara has.

Don't forget to nominate your fellow Mainstream employees for the monthly Service Excellence Award. Nominations can be submitted at  

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