Mainstream Living Newsletter: Employee Newsletter - October 2017
Wellness and Benefits Fair Coming Soon!
Purchase your $20.00 ticket to get early VIP access to the new outlet mall in Des Moines. Plus, all proceeds benefit partner charities - including Mainstream Living. Limited tickets available. Buy now at:
Congratulations to this month's winners! Your gift card will be delivered to the offices or through your supervisor. Michelle Fernandez - nominated by Lisa Ledford Michelle comes to work with a positive attitude. She is always eager to engage in member cares, and volunteers for appointments regularly. She is in...
Read More on October Service Excellence Winners
Read the case plan of a Mainstream Living member, and you are bound to encounter the term “Least Restrictive Environment”. It’s one of those things that is very easy to commit to on paper, but in practice, can be very difficult to define and maintain. Least restrictive environment does not...
Read More on Employee Tip - Least Restrictive Environment
National Disability Employment Awareness Month began in 1945 as a campaign by the United States Department of Labor to raise awareness about employment issues for those with disabilities. It was originally called National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, occurring the first week of October. Since then, it was expanded to...
Read More on Celebrate NDEAM!
The Center offers several kinds of services, one of which includes employment opportunities for members. Mainstream Living has shifted the focus of the employment program over the years from employing members who worked directly in Center’s workshop, to job coaching to contracting directly with DanFoss and Hach, where members go...
Read More on Enclaves (The Center)
Mainstream Living is a part of the Polk County Positive Behavior Supports network. Each month, training topics are offered to staff in an effort to continually improve and enhances services to our members.
Bill has been a member at our 9th St. home for many years. Bill is monitored during dinner to as he will occasionally try to eat too quickly. On August 29th, in spite of these safety precautions, he started choking at dinner. Staff responded immediately, calling for an ambulance while...
Read More on Stories of Impact
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I had just moved from Colorado and was looking for a job. Our realtor had a stepdaughter who was a resident of one of the Mainstream group homes and suggested I apply there. I went to apply and a few days later was offered...
What brought you to Mainstream Living? I had a friend (Shawn) way back in the late 80s who repeatedly told me I should work for Mainstream. "You have the right kind of personality for the job" was how she put it. I didn't apply until four years later, long after...