Mainstream Emerging Leaders
In our ongoing efforts to enhance the leadership skills of supervisory personnel, Mainstream Living has continued to offer Mainstream Emerging Leaders (MEL), a professional development program for qualified staff. The purpose of the MEL program is to identify potential leaders within the company and provide tools and resources which aid in developing additional skills. During the six month program, participants receive education which assists participants in effective communication and efficient navigation through the continual changes experienced in their positions. In addition to classroom instruction, participants are paired with a mentor to provide guidance and support.
Each participant is tasked with creating a goal which would positively impact Mainstream Living. During the “graduation” event, MEL participants are asked to provide a presentation about their goal to those in attendance.
Congratulations to the 2017 MEL Graduates
Angie Beane- MH
Jade Hols-Lynch- MH
Emily Noland- MH
Mike Miller- SS
Jessica Anderson- HCBS
Trish Mull-Short- MH
Employees interested in participating in the next class of Emerging Leaders can apply through March of 2018. Eligible participants include staff in the following roles: Assistant Team Lead, Rehab Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Team Lead, Program Coordinator and Support Services.